A Fall Garden Tour

I thought it was time we went on another tour of the garden since it is Fall now and the garden has changed a lot in the last couple of weeks. I made the above collage with some flowers that are blooming now so you wouldn't get tired of me dragging you all around the garden.

this shot was taken about a week ago and I wanted to show you the long view of the pergola that my clever husband built. We have decided to leave it unpainted and let it age to gray.See, I do have one practical bone in my body after all!

Looking down the other end. I am hoping to get some vines growing through the lattice.I did plant a wisteria a few years ago that i hope to prune and train along the top. Any suggestions for the other side?

This is another project Andrew finished this summer. He is definitely a keeper! I think it has already started to age into the garden. I planted a sweet autumn clematis on one corner and a jackmani on the other but I also planted morning glory on each side for a quick fix,

The darker Bonica rose is putting on a pretty good show again.

Martha's garden a couple of weeks ago.

Martha's garden now-you can see the Virginia Creeper is starting to turn now. We have had frost a few nights already.

A new clematis blooming

The cone flowers are putting on a good show still.

I like this color combo. the rose is Linda Campbell and the geranium is the ever blooming Roxanne.

David phlox is still blooming.

joe pye weed is a nice late bloomer

our elderberry bushes are loaded with berries for the birds.

Autumn joy sedum and Karl Forester grass with Bright Eyes phlox

Still a few daylily blooms around here.

the Japanese anemone is starting to bloom

this pee gee hydrangea can't hold up his head the blooms are so heavy

a mix of phlox and sedum.

Dr rupple is still putting out some showy blooms

This is the side view of pergola a week ago

A closer look at Linda Campbell and Roxanne..

I hope you enjoyed seeing our fall garden .

Thank you for touring the garden with me.

Take care,


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A Fall Garden Tour
A Fall Garden Tour
Reviewed by pada mama
Published :
Rating : 4.5