The Rest of the Story

Today I am back wih the rest of the story of my little collection of days gone by. This old wicker chair I found several years ago in a junk shop. The cute little teddy bear is from a thrift shop and the old baby boots were one of the boys when they were little.

These old boots are bookends.

Another old picture that I found somewhere.

I got this old doll pram at Coulson's last week and it was cheap so I knew it was meant for me!

Our granddaughter Jessie playing with the doll carriage my youngest daughter played with.It is a replica of an old one.

Ending with a collage again.

It is a beautiful sunny day here and even though our nights have been cooler then normal I am still thinking summer. I love fall too but I am not ready to give up summer yet so I am still hoping to squeeze in more summertime fun. I have neglected the garden lately so I think I better do a little tidy up today.

Hope you have a lovely day.


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The Rest of the Story
The Rest of the Story
Reviewed by pada mama
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Rating : 4.5