A Stroll Through the Garden

Good Morning,

It is a lovely day to take a stroll through the garden. We can start off with the beds south of the veranda. This area has beds at the base of the veranda and four beds around the perimeter and an oval bed in the centre.

The vine covered terrace is between two beds.

The oval centre bed

The arbor is in the middle of one long southern bed.

This picture was taken a few days ago of the Korean lilac which blooms after the common and French lilacs.

The deutizias are blooming in Martha's garden.

This is in our Chelsea garden -north of the little garden cottage.

One side of the allee garden coming into bloom a few days ago.

A shot taken from the balcony of the rose garden in yesterdays post.

The back side of the fence going from house to Martha's Garden. The Korean Lilac at it's peak with the Preston Lilacs(Canadian) just coming into bloom.

One side of Cheslea Garden.

Shooting toward our barn-our property was once part of a farm. So we have a barn to store all my(treasures) junk! It is desperately in need of a cleaning so my husband is hoping I will go away for a day so he can get rid of my treasures(junk)! You never know when you will need something or find a good home for it! Oh! someday soon we will organize and / or clean it out.

Did I ever tell you my husband built most of the fences ,arbors and gates in our garden- you can bet I won't be throwing him out in the cleanup! Ha!

This is my favorite arbor-I think it is 10 years old now.

Well, I think we are about half way through but you are probably tired by now and my computer won't let me send any more pics so next week I hope you will come back for 'the rest of the story'. I took these photos a couple of days ago and already there are more flowers blooming and sadly some fading as you gardeners know.

Today,I am joining in Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home. Thank you, Cindy for hosting and if you haven't already go and check it out.

I hope you all have a good weekend.


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A Stroll Through the Garden
A  Stroll  Through the Garden
Reviewed by pada mama
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Rating : 4.5