Special Times!

This is my youngest daughter Emily with her little daughter Lila enjoying some special quiet times. I love watching Mama and baby interactions.

I am so happy to watch my children nurturing their little ones so well.

These are such special times and we all know how fast these little ones grow up.

What could be sweeter than sharing these quiet times with a little one held close?

Lullaby and goodnight!

Doesn't this tug at your heartstrings?

Is there anything more angelic?

Don't you just want to kiss those sweet little cheeks?

So peaceful!

Lila is one of these little ones that can have a 10 minute power nap and wake up smiling!

so sweet!

Hey! Grandma are you talking about me?

(I chuckle everytime I look at this picture of Lila).

I feel so blessed to be able to share in these special times with my baby girl and her sweet babe!

Thank you for letting me share and

hope you enjoy some of these special times too!


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Special Times!
Special Times!
Reviewed by pada mama
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Rating : 4.5