Breakfast in the Terrace

On Saturday night we had our two oldest grandchildren Alec and Sam up for the night. We had fun playing hide and go seek with them in the garden after dark. But ,why do Grandpa and Sam always win -even after we cheated a little and Alec snuck into the house to call Grandpa on his cell phone so we could hear the ring in the garden. Next time Alec and I will make sure we are not wearing white!
We had fresh fruit with yogurt and homemade granola.
I made them buttermilk pancakes with whipped cream,fresh peasches and organic strawberries.
Sweet Sam
Amazing Alec

They cleaned up all their plates and had seconds.
Gram pa and the boys.

We sure did enjoy our time with these great guys!

Have mood day.


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Breakfast in the Terrace
Breakfast in the Terrace
Reviewed by pada mama
Published :
Rating : 4.5