Some Late Summer Bloomers!

Hi everyone,
I am a little late today but better late then never-I hope! Today I am taking you on a little tour of the garden so you can see some late summer bloomers.
The phlox and hygrangea's are putting on a good show now.
This phlox is called Laura. It is very pretty and mildew resistant.
I like this variegated phlox because the foliage is so pretty and gives color all season long.
This pretty mauve phlox is Franz Shurbert.
It looks good with a darker purple phlox beside it.
The long pergola that Andrew built looks good but I look forward to it ageing into the garden.
more phlox with a limelight htgrangea at the end.
where would we be without the phlox?
Joe Pye Weed is also a late bloomer that I like.
And of course we have different colors of cone flowers.
This was taken on the hillside a couple of days ago.
I love this garden variety of pink loosestrife-not to be confused with the wild one taking over boggy areas and choking out native plants.
The magnolia is putting on a bit of a second show.
There are still quite a few daylilies blooming but not as many as before.
Sea holly is new to our garden but I am liking it.
More daylilies.

This is a clematis Josephine(above and below) that I think is so pretty but a little stingy with the blooms for me so far.

this is a pink phlox-I have many different colors and varieties of them.
I was given this golden glow several years ago- I would like to move it to a different spot but it determined to stay here.
The Annebelle hygrangea is still blooming well. I have several Nikko Blues and even Endless Summer's that have lots of healty foliage but hardly any blooms. First,I thought it was too cold for them in zone 5 but then I see others have them blooming not far from me so now I am wondering if it is a little too much mushroom compost- any one else have this problem? You know how you always want what you don't have!
The bed at the road is putting on a good show with limelights and phlox. Next year I must plant a few cleome or cosmos though to give it a bit more umph.

One last peek at the pergola on the inside this time. I am hoping to get some vines growing along the top part. We still have two sons to get married so I have visions of a couple of brides walking through here someday again. No winter weddings please!
Though the garden season is winding down the garden still brings me joy each day . Hope you enjoyed seeing some late summer bloomers.

Have a good weekend!

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Some Late Summer Bloomers!
Some Late Summer Bloomers!
Reviewed by pada mama
Published :
Rating : 4.5